What is the delivery time?
Most orders are shipped after 2-3 weeks.
In exceptional cases such as busy periods, extra large orders it may take a little longer.

Are larger sizes available?
Yes! We can order some colors up to a 5XL. These are mainly the “standard colors” such as black, white, sport grey, navy. Do you want to order this? Then you indicate the size XL and you can type the desired size in “remarks”.

Can I see the design before it is embroidered?
Yes, you do! As soon as you have ordered, you will receive the design as soon as possible. Depending on how busy it is, this can take at least a week. Only after you have given your approval, it will be embroidered on the desired item.

What if I don’t like the design?
This can happen of course and is certainly no drama! You can always request changes to the design. Do you really not like it? Then you can send an extra photo that will be used for a second design.

Can I cancel my order?
This depends on a number of factors:
– You can cancel your order free of charge if the design has not yet been made.
– Have you already received a design, but not yet approved it?
Then you can cancel the order, but €5 will be deducted from the order for each design made.
– Have you already received and approved a design? Then you can still cancel, but €10 will be deducted for each design.
– When your order has already been embroidered, you can no longer cancel.

Can I track my order somewhere?
You can always follow us on Instagram @ohayo.prints! Here we share almost “live” which items are under the embroidery machine & maybe you’ll see your order pass by! If you see your order passing by on Instagram, you can assume that your order will be posted soon! 🙂
